Process & Utility Piping
- Process piping is the pipes which carry the raw materials or finished products to the desired location, either into the reaction vessel or other vessels or out of the plant either to the storage tanks or other equipment’s for further treatment or next stage reaction. These pipe lines are directly connected to the production of any plant.
- Similarly the utility piping are the pipe lines which are not directly gives the output, but helps in supplying other necessary substances required for process like steam, hot water, cold water, process water, plant air, breathing air, nitrogen etc.
- So the plant piping whether it is a process or the utility, it plays a vital role in the plant operation and these are intended to carry the designed materials in the designed manner. Before we cut a pipe, we understand the drawing and the site requirement. Then we plan how to make an efficient resource managing available at site, so that the wastage of the material is minimal. We, with our expert team, understand and help in constructing the pipe lines from conceptual stage to the final stage. We carry out all type of testing as per the client requirement to deliver a quality job within the time frame set by the client.

We almost cover most of the aspects of the process and the utility piping which includes the range as follows:-
- Process pipe lines – covers all types of MS, SS pipe lines
- Water systems—Water piping in the plant area, process water piping, chilled water piping etc , it covers all type of MS, SS or GI piping
- Steam systems—High or low pressure steam piping
- Compressed air systems—Installation of air compressor to its related piping – both service air or instrument air , breathing air network etc
- Bulk chemical transfer piping – with all types of MS , SS piping.